"Another bad effect of commerce is that it sinks the courage of mankind, and tends to extinguish martial spirit." I am not sure I agree with Adam Smith here.

Some counter-examples:

England in the 18th and 19th century was both a naval and commercial powerhouse.

Holland in the 17th century was very commercial, and pretty martial. It aquired many colonies and beat the Spaniards and (sometimes) the English. Allow me some bragging: the victory I love best is when in 1667 the Dutch navy sailed up the Thames and then burned down 13 English ships and towed away the flagship, HMS Royal Charles.

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Naval history is endlessly colourful and wonderful…

I highly recommend Arthur Herman’s To Rule The Waves

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Thanks for the tip, Misha, I will check it out.

I am going to write a blogpost about the attack on London by the Dutch navy in 1667 mentioned above, and the admiral who led the campaign, Michiel de Ruijer. I notice often a comment I make inspires me to write a blogpost.

BTW you are younger and better looking than I expected.

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Nice, let me know and I will read

And… thanks? 🧐

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It became a more general piece on the 17th century Dutch republic and navy, but our 1667 Pearl Harbor is part of the story.


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nice, thanks!

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Misha Saul

Frontier-ism happened (at least in North America) due to the promise of free land which drew waves of Europeans looking to escape their feudal existences. No such thing exists now. There are no new frontiers (no free land anywhere).

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The next frontierism will be Whites trying to escape the deracination and global homogenisation brought about by liberalism.

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Maybe the greatest population movement of recent times is happening now on our southern border. Of course us conservatives think it must be stopped, while the leftists rather grandly assume that they will all vote leftist. But what really will happen to those millions (?) of hispanics that are now going to be living here? I suppose if they had any sense, or any leaders, they might just decide to all come together and create a new City somewhere. Yes? Of course sense often has nothing to do with history.

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