Sep 24, 2023Liked by Misha Saul

Well written , powerful, and provocative.

If you are ever in Perth I would love to dig deeper over some pasta and wine .

I agree that the Voice is the worst of all worlds . The real sovereignty Zionist model is an ideal that may be divorced from the heterogenous fractured reality that lacks the religious historical glue of Judaism.

Bravo 👏

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Absolutely fascinating article, which has got my head brimming with myriad thoughts. I spent the last 2.5 years teaching in a remote town in the Northern Territory, so I am familiar with Indigenous issues, and am I am highly engaged with the politics of Aboriginal Australia more broadly.

I think Aboriginal nationalism, which is covertly and overtly supported by our political elites (mostly out of guilt and for some simply out anti-Western/white sentiment) , is going to be a permanent and quite profound problem for Australia going forward.

Your point about Aboriginal nationalists not fully committing to nationalism and building their own state independently, instead opting for parasitic political concession-extraction within the state, is absolutely correct. This point gets to the heart of the problem: Aboriginal nationalism is incoherent and confused because Aboriginal people themselves are no longer a coherent category of people. The people of remote central Australia have *nothing* to do with the likes of Stan Grant. Aboriginal nationalism therefore ends up functioning as a giant ethnonarcissistic scam based off a politically manufactured and artificial conceptualisation of Indigenous identity, which many middle class Indigenous people have explicitly constructed out of a lack of real cultural or racial identification.

I have started to write about this on my own Substack, I think you will find it interesting: https://unsolicitedreflections.substack.com/p/australia-day-and-the-hollowness

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No Aboriginal woman in her right mind would want to live in an aboriginal society with its subordinate roles for women. If we are talking about creating a new world culture, it is time to get rid of your own. If you want to keep yours, then I will keep mine.

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In Australia your idea of an indigenous 'state' has no traction, in fact this really is the first time I have come across it in this debate. The essential weakness is that Indigenous Australian identity is inseparable from 'country', this is not theoretical, it is real. So you cannot plonk First Nations people into some fraction of Australia and hope that it will turn into a state like Israel. It would be like collecting all the 'Celtic' peoples, putting them in Ireland and saying "there you go, do what you will". We actually know what Indigenous Australians seek, and it is the recognition in the constitution and an advisory body not subject to the whims of whichever party is in power in Canberra, i.e. The Voice. In this world, Jewish people are an even smaller minority than aboriginals are in Australia, yet the rest of the world eventually listened and accepted, with all of its flaws, a Jewish homeland. I would suggest you accord Indigenous Australians the same right, listen to what they ask for, and not what you think is best for them.

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what about a territority with casinos like the Seminole tribe of Florida. They bought out the Hard Rock.

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Are you Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander? No? Then I'll just listen to what Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have asked of the rest of us in the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023

How about sovereignty for White people in North America and Europe without degenerate kykes pushing satanism and sodomy and trying to drug, rape, kidnap and mutilate our children while flooding our nations with criminal "migrants" and fentanyl? I would REALLY like to form a nation free from kykes, by whatever means necessary. I'm 100% done with kykes.

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Let me save your readers some time from plowing through yet another anti-White racist screed by a kyke, and sum it up in one sentence: White people shouldn't be allowed to live anywhere.

I like how your zeal for "sovereignty" doesn't extend to the Palestinians that your fellow Khazarians are slaughtering every day.

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Fascinating piece. Two things that stood out. First the "reactionary" side of identity. Jews that wouldn't have thought of themselves as a people forced together by people trying to kill them. Similarly, Ukranian identity much stronger now than 5 years ago.

Second, how fractured France was in fairly recent history. It seems like such a natural unit of people I hadn't much considered what an imposition people saw it as in the past.

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Who deserves anything? Really, it comes down to what one is willing to give, or willing to take.

Bar the Kingdom of Heaven, there will be no state on Earth filled with people willing to give everything and take nothing. For that is what is required for total peace, both within the self, and without.

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